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Learning Algorithms A Programmers Guide to Writing Better Code
Learning Algorithms A Programmers Guide to Writing Better Code
Learning Algorithms A Programmers Guide to Writing Better Code
Learning Algorithms A Programmers Guide to Writing Better Code

Learning Algorithms A Programmers Guide to Writing Better Code

Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Tác giả: O'Reilly Media
Loại: Computer Science

When it comes to writing efficient code, every software professional needs to have an effective working knowledge of algorithms. In this practical book, author George Heineman (Algorithms in a Nutshell) provides concise and informative descriptions of key algorithms that improve coding. Software developers, testers, and maintainers will discover how algorithms solve computational problems creatively.

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130.000₫ 150.000₫
Số lượng:

Mã sản phẩm : STT791
Nhà xuất bản:  O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (September 21, 2021)
Tác giả :     George Heineman
Ngôn Ngữ : Tiếng Anh
ISBN      :  ‎ 1492091065
Số trang    : 278 pages
Hình thức : Bìa Mềm, IN ĐEN TRẮNG
Loại : Sách gia công đóng gáy keo chắc chắn chất lượng cao        
Giấy in : Giấy ngoại định lượng 70msg, viết vẽ và hightlight thoải mái.
Chất lượng : Bản in rõ nét, giá rất tốt cho mọi người.

When it comes to writing efficient code, every software professional needs to have an effective working knowledge of algorithms. In this practical book, author George Heineman (Algorithms in a Nutshell) provides concise and informative descriptions of key algorithms that improve coding. Software developers, testers, and maintainers will discover how algorithms solve computational problems creatively.

Each chapter builds on earlier chapters through eye-catching visuals and a steady rollout of essential concepts, including an algorithm analysis to classify the performance of every algorithm presented in the book. At the end of each chapter, you'll get to apply what you've learned to a novel challenge problem -- simulating the experience you might find in a technical code interview.

With this book, you will:

Examine fundamental algorithms central to computer science and software engineering
Learn common strategies for efficient problem solving -- such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy approaches
Analyze code to evaluate time complexity using big O notation
Use existing Python libraries and data structures to solve problems using algorithms
Understand the main steps of important algorithms

2. Tác giả
 George Heineman


Sản phẩm đa dạng : Đầu sách phong phú. Nhận In sách theo yêu cầu.


Tư vấn nhiệt tình : Giải đáp mọi yêu cầu của khách hàng nhanh chóng.


Uy tín - Chất lượng : Bán hàng bằng cả trái tim.


Giá luôn luôn tốt : Giá luôn thấp nhất thị trường.

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